Almost moved in

I had no idea I had so much stuff. I found things I had forgotten I had. I even found projects that I had forgotten I had started. The room is looking great! I can't believe the difference. As long as I was at it I decided to redo the storage room. It is floor to ceiling fabric. I put in new shelves and got rid of some of the old "cheap" fabric that I had been working around for years. When I first discovered quilting I couldn't see paying the higher prices for the quiltshop grade fabric so I just bought JoAnn's and Walmart. I figured if I made mistakes or lost interest in this new hobby it wouldn't have cost me a fortune.
Well, now I know the the quilting bug is not going to leave me alone and I can't stand to touch that thin, hard pale fabric. So out it goes. I think I'll take some of it in to the Linus project group and see if they want it.
Back to work. Maybe I'll try get some pictures posted soon.

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