
Hi, I got walls! and a ceiling, and woodwork, and paint. It's starting to actually look like a room. I'm so impressed with DH. He takes a room that has been patched and covered over for 60 or 70 years and makes it look great. The room was completely gutted. The walls were all ripped out and the ceiling torn down. All new wall board put in and electricity run. That's right, I had only one top light and ran extension cords from it. Cords had been run down the walls and across the floor. It's a wonder the place hadn't burned down.
Anyway..........all new now. A ceiling with no holes and patches. Walls painted a very pale yellow with electrical outlets. New carpet where there used to be about three layers of linoleum on top of old newspapers. We never did find any money hiding anywhere though.
Now I've started trying to locate all my stuff and move it back in. It's going to be quite a job but I'll enjoy it. I plan on cleaning out some old things that I'll never ever use and get organized.

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