First Post

Hi All,

This is the first post on my new blog so I'll keep it short and just introduce myself and give you a sample of what might be coming up.

I live on an old farmstead in Michigan. I'm retired and spend my time on simple tasks like gardening, cleaning, keeping up on the news and quilting.

I will be giving my thoughts on current events and maybe drift into quilting as well. Or mabe I'll focus on quilting and drift into current events. It just depends on how my day is going.
So here are some thoughts on the "undocumented workers" and a not so good picture of one of my quilts.

So I'm listening to the tv while cleaning house and I hear a spot about the protests by ILLEGAL aliens across the country. I had to stop and pay a little closer attention while leaning on my vacuum cleaner in the middle of the living room. One ILLEGAL alien is heard to say, "I have rights. They can't treat me this way." NO, NO YOU DON'T HAVE RIGHTS. NOT IN THIS COUNTRY. YOU WANT RIGHTS.........GO HOME AND COME IN THE LEGAL WAY.Another one is heard to say, "I'm not a criminal". YES, YES YOU ARE. YOU'RE HERE ILLEGALLY. WHAT PART OF ILLEGALLY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?Now the newscaster wants to know what should be done with all the "undocumented" workers in this country. OK, first of all they are not "undocumented", they are ILLEGAL ALIENS, and need to be arrested and sent home.There are legal ways for people to come here and work. There are legal ways for people to come here and live. And there are legal ways for people to come here and become citizens. People have been doing it for years. My great grandparents did it and yours probably did as well. I can't figure out where these people get the idea that they can just walk across a ditch and start claiming the rights and benefits of an American citizen.

Next time I think I want to talk about Dear Jane!

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