I'm going to do this project for 2012. I'm getting a late start and will have to catch up Jan and Feb.
It's for free motion quilting on a home machine. She does beautiful work and is willing to share.
Check it out.
Opinions and Observations While Quilting.
"In December 1775, "An American Guesser" anonymously wrote to the Pennsylvania Journal:
"I observed on one of the drums belonging to the marines now raising, there was painted a Rattle-Snake, with this modest motto under it, 'Don't tread on me.' As I know it is the custom to have some device on the arms of every country, I supposed this may have been intended for the arms of America."
This anonymous writer, having "nothing to do with public affairs" and "in order to divert an idle hour," speculated on why a snake might be chosen as a symbol for America.
First, it occurred to him that "the Rattle-Snake is found in no other quarter of the world besides America."
The rattlesnake also has sharp eyes, and "may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance." Furthermore,
"She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. ... she never wounds 'till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her."
"I confess I was wholly at a loss what to make of the rattles, 'till I went back and counted them and found them just thirteen, exactly the number of the Colonies united in America; and I recollected too that this was the only part of the Snake which increased in numbers. ...
"'Tis curious and amazing to observe how distinct and independent of each other the rattles of this animal are, and yet how firmly they are united together, so as never to be separated but by breaking them to pieces. One of those rattles singly, is incapable of producing sound, but the ringing of thirteen together, is sufficient to alarm the boldest man living."
Many scholars now agree that this "American Guesser" was Benjamin Franklin."
Now it seems like the discussion is which causes the most accidents, i-pod, blackberry, hand held or hands free cell phones. Do we need a law for texting on this device or that one?
Well, back in the day, when I was learning how to drive I seem to remember a law that said, not devoting full time and attention to driving was against the law.
Where did that law go? Wouldn't it cover changing radio stations, texting, watching videos,putting on makeup, correcting children, looking at a map, or anything that would take your attention off the road?
If you wanted to do any of the above you were to pull off the road. If you did it while you were driving and caused an accident YOU WERE NOT DEVOTING FULL TIME AND ATTENTION TO DRIVING, PERIOD.
One law, problem solved.
Of course I can see how this would upset people who make it their life work to write and rewrite all the laws, not to mention the lawyers.