Here's a Thought

Way back in May of last year I put forward the idea of a Thompson/Romney ticket. I thought it would be a very strong ticket.
I’ve always said I didn’t think that the desire to be president was not necessarily a requirement to be president. I feel that the person, (man or woman), who was smart enough to be president would be too smart to want to be president. It’s a terrible job. The pressure, the life and death decisions, the physical demands and the danger would make you wonder why a sane person would want to do that job. The only acceptable reason to me for wanting the job is that you feel this country needs you and what you can do for her. When Fred Thompson said the reason he was running was for his children, grandchildren and those that come after. That this country was on a downhill slide and needed to be stopped from destroying itself. He felt he could do the things to stop it and I agreed.
When he left the race I switched my support to Mitt Romney.
Now I’m left with no one. A vote for McCain is almost the same as voting for Clinton or Obama. The only difference is McCains’ stand on the war. I’m really sick of people telling me what I want to hear not what they really believe. I’m tired of McCain saying he’s conservative when he doesn’t believe in tax cuts, small government, 2nd amendment, free speech or strong borders.
So here’s a thought. How about a Romney/Thompson ticket. They could run for the newly formed Conservative Party!

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