Illegal Aliens with Prior Charges Murder 15 year old Texas Girl

(Story Quarantined by news wires to prevent national exposure)

August 13, 2007

CONTACT: ALIPAC,, (866) 329-3999,

Court documents are shedding more light on the rape and murder of Dani Countryman, a 15 year old American girl from Texas, who was murdered in an apartment in Milwaukee, Oregon on July 28. Authorities have charged two illegal alien cousins with aggravated murder.

Alejandro Emeterio "Alex" Rivera Gamboa, 24, and Gilberto Javier Arellano-Gamboa, 23 have admitted to being in the US illegally, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Rivera Gamboa was issued an Oregon ID card and avoided deportation even though he has been arrested for drunk driving four times since 2000!

Rivera has admitted to placing his foot with force down on Countryman's neck, while his cousin Gilberto struggled with her during the rape. Authorities have matched a bloody shoe print on the body to Rivera's shoe.

"Dani Countryman is dead because our government failed to secure our borders and enforce our existing immigration laws," says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "The suspects in this case were shown, by our state and federal governments, that they could break many American laws without any serious penalties. Hell, the state of Oregon even aided them by giving them an ID! It is no wonder that many illegal aliens escalate their crimes into the realms of rape and murder. How many more Americans must suffer or die before our nation takes action"?

On the date of this release, this story has been confined to the New Media of talk radio and the Internet, with only newspapers in the states of Oregon and Texas reporting. We believe that the Associated Press has confined the story to those two states. This information can be verified by doing Google News searches, which reveal the quarantine of the story. No mention of the story exists at all on Reuters. No major networks have picked up this case yet.

ALIPAC volunteers across America are being asked to forward this story to break through the Associated Press quarantine on this story, as it is clearly of national interest, considering the high profile case of the execution style murders by illegal aliens in Newark, NJ. All help getting this preventable and horrific story of national interest out to the public is appreciated.

Dani Countryman is dead due to the immigration policy failures in the US.

For more information, please visit


Paid for by Americans for Legal Immigration
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 329-3999
FEC ID: C00405878

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